Welcome & Contact

rumplestilzken 2nd April 2024 at 8:04am

Welcome to all things rumplestilzken. Enjoy your stay.

I am rumplestilzken. I am a software engineer, a writer, a reader, a consumer of copious amounts of streamables, a technology enthusiast, a music lover, avid lover of good video games.

If you need to contact me for anything in this site email me at rumplestilzken@gmail.com

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Developing with ChromiumOS

rumplestilzken 14th March 2023 at 9:47am

I am venturing into developing a ChomiumOS image which can be used in both an emulator and on a specific hardward device... Stay tuned for my findings and updates.

rumplestilzken's gargoyle GSI

rumplestilzken 20th March 2023 at 9:26pm

I have put together a set of LineageOS 20 images that can be used on the Unihertz Titan. See here for details.

Trelby on Chromebook

rumplestilzken 14th March 2023 at 9:48am

Update: Since doing this work, i have come across this page on reddit, i have not tested it, linking for anyone who might need it Reddit

I recently purchased a HP Chromebase 21. When going through the large amounts of writing (fiction, scripts, journals, etc) I found that there was a script file from an application called Trelby, this is a free and open source application used to format screenplays.

There is not an android version of this application and as part of my writing (I write a lot of fiction) and I use several applications, including Trelby. I was not able to install Trebly with the .deb package provided, as there were unresolved dependency issues, so i built it from scratch.

I have a lot of experience building software from source, so I was not slowed much by the issues I ran into and this guide may be missing some details as I am writing it post installation. If you run into issues please don't hesitate to contact me

My Chromebase came with Debian (11) bullseye, so your steps may vary if your Linux VM is of a different variety.


You cannot install from the .deb provided as of version 2.2. You run into dependency issues having to do with python that cannot be resolved with the given version of debian.


  1. Install git sudo apt install git
  2. Install build essentials for compiling applications sudo apt install build-essential
  3. Install ruby sudo apt install ruby-full
  4. Install cython pip install cython

Source Repositories

  1. Trelby Source git clone https://github.com/trelby/trelby
  2. lxml Source git clone https://github.com/lxml/lxml
  3. setuptools-36.4.0 Sourcewget https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/28/4f/889339f38da415e49cff15b21ab27becbf4c017c79fbfdeca663f5b33b36/setuptools-36.4.0.zip Note: You must use this version, it is the latest version compatibale with python2.7, which is what Debian bullseye ships with.


  1. sudo apt update
  2. sudo apt upgrade
  3. I created a new directory called external_development in my home directory to be the working directory for working with the source i needed to download and install.
    1. mkdir external_development
  4. cd external_development
  5. Set up development environment
    1. Clone trelby source
    2. Clone lxml source
    3. Download setuptools-36.4.0 source using above command, extract
    4. cd setuptools-36.4.0
    5. sudo python setup.py install
  6. cd ..; cd lxml
  7. sudo python setup.py install
    1. You may run into issues with python3 and python2.7 here. Please contact me if you have problems and i will walk you through what i did, i don't remember the exact steps and would need to go through the process again, once someone has an issue, i will update this page to include revised information.
  8. cd ..; cd trelby;
  9. sudo python setup.py install

At this point, you should have a working trelby installation and will be able to execute from /opt/trelby/bin/trebly

Unihertz Titan Kernel Source

rumplestilzken 14th March 2023 at 9:47am

Since Unihertz has not followed through with their agreements...

I am in the middle of working on a forked version of kernel-alps-mt6771 , the ubuntu-touch's kernel source here for the Unihertz Titan. I have made it through a massive amount of code, configuration and errors and feel i am very close to getting this up and running for Android.

If succesful we will be able to:

  • boot modified stock boot image with new kernel
  • boot modified stock recovery with new kernel
  • continue with development for TWRP for UFS Titans
  • enable a single kernel to boot both EMMC and UFS hardware
  • open the door for development of the Titan Pocket and Titan Slim for all above projects and more

Unihertz Titan Neocities

rumplestilzken 14th March 2023 at 9:48am

I help maintain a website that chronicles the mod communities efforts on the Unihertz Titan here


rumplestilzken 2nd April 2024 at 7:59am

If you feel inclined to donate to my efforts, here is where you can donate.